Wednesday, July 13, 2011

USB Modem for Cellcard, Metfone, Hello Beeline Not Able to Unlock

According to the blog author of saying that there is no way to introduce the solving problem with USB modem from a few phone operator companies in Cambodia. The reason is because the company don't want their customers changing the operator after buying the device from them. It is true that hacking or unlocking the modem is prohibited and not wanted in the business world.

I also don't support the idea of using the company modem by hacking or unlocking it. If you ever think about this then, it is encourage to stop it and buy only USB modem that you can use internet from any company without restricting its ability. See below for more message and its details from the blog that just mentioned here.
These companies including Cellcard mobitel, Metfone, Hello and Beeline because the company already set the 10 times allow in the modem box already. Which is good news! What do you think?