Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Unlock USB Modem for Hello, Metfone, Cellcard QB in Cambodia

I don't really support unlock and other hacking stuffs. For these ideas are prohibited in term of self protection and for protecting the business to perform according to the law as well. I just translate this word from 2win3.wordpress.com about its skills people there.

They said, they have included with unlock USB Modem services for Metfone, Cellcard, QB and Beeline starting from $7 depending on the type of modem that you are using.

I understand this is happen but I don't understand why we need to unlock the code when the modem is already for us. If people don't like to use it why they buy it and then spend money to unlock it. This is just a waste of time and resources and hacking is not allow actually.

I'd rather pay a bit more or at the same price to have the USB modem that can use for all type of Simcard regardless of mobile operators in Cambodia.What do you think? Do you support hacking USB Modem?